Often, we are asked to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction or the other way around.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.
22/7 = 3 and 1/7
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
by multiplying the denominator with the whole number and adding the numerator. the denominator will remain the same.
1.21 as a mix number
17/8 = 15/8
if a number can change randomly it is called a variable
6.049 as a mixed number is 6 and 49/1000
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
by multiplying the denominator with the whole number and adding the numerator. the denominator will remain the same.
1.2 = 12/10 = 11/5
Multiply the bottom by the whole number...and then add THAT number by the top number,hope this is what you're looking for!
The mean change was -150.
1.21 as a mix number
17/8 = 15/8
Multiply the whole number part by the denominator of the fractional part and add the result to the numerator of the fractional part.
if a number can change randomly it is called a variable
the answer would be 18. Mixed number can also mean whole number.