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Q: What does it mean to see the same numbers on a clock all the time?
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Why is it that every time you see the clock it has the same numbers like 12 12 11 11 etcetera does it mean something?

It only seems that way because the numbers are easy to remember, and it does not mean anything. You may look at the clock and its says 10 34 and you think nothing of it, but when it says 11 11 you think of it as unusual

What is an analog clock?

An analog clock is a clock with numbers in a circle and a minute and hour hand to tell the time.

What time is Greenwich mean time when it is 10 o 'clock in Portugal?

It will be the same time, as Portugal is in the GMT time zone.

What is analogue time?

There is no such thing as 'analog time'. Time is measured the same way whether you use an analog or digital clock. An analog clock is represented as a circle, with 'hands' on its face that point to different numbers to tell the time. A digital clock is simply a set of numbers, usually accompanied by 'AM' or 'PM' to denote day or night. For instance: 9:42 PM

When you look at clock the reading is the same back to front why?

If you're looking at a digital clock, the reading remains the same if you flip it vertically because the numbers are symmetrical and appear the same upside down. However, if it's an analog clock, the hands will appear to be in reverse, but the time remains the same due to the circular nature of the clock face.

What do the numbers mean on a sundial?

They refer to the time - in hours. The slanted edge of the gnomon casts a shadow on the sundial at the position which represents the time.

What does 1111 wish refer to?

Time- It's the only time of day all numbers on a clock are the same, some believe you should make a wish when you see it

What is the term for an area where people use the same clock time?

An area where all use the same clock time is called a time zone

Where is the clock on babydow?

There is no clock. It does, though, follow roughly the same time as howrse.

How do you set the clock on an Emerson microwave when you hit the clock button you get only 000?

To set the clock on an Emerson microwave oven, tap the clock button and then hit the numbers according to what the current time is. Then tap the clock button again. If the numbers go back to 000, then there is a malfunction with the clock on the microwave.

On a digital clock how many times are the numbers representing the time in sequential order during one 24 hour period?

The numbers of a clock are always in sequential order

What is a analogclock?

A so-called 'analog' clock is one with hands. A so-called'digital' clock is one that displays the time in numbers.