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Q: What does it mean when a graph crosses each other?
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What does it mean for a function when the graph of the derivative crosses the x-axis?

This means that the function has reached a local maximum or minimum. Since the graph of the derivative crosses the x-axis, then this means the derivative is zero at the point of intersection. When a derivative is equal to zero then the function has reached a "flat" spot for that instant. If the graph of the derivative crosses from positive x to negative x, then this indicates a local maximum. Likewise, if the graph of the derivative crosses from negative x to positive x then this indicates a local minimum.

What does it mean when the graph of a quadratic function crosses the x axis twice?

When the graph of a quadratic crosses the x-axis twice it means that the quadratic has two real roots. If the graph touches the x-axis at one point the quadratic has 1 repeated root. If the graph does not touch nor cross the x-axis, then the quadratic has no real roots, but it does have 2 complex roots.

What does it mean for two planes to intersect each other?

well a plane is a line therefore on a graph it simply means two lines meet each other

What does circle graph mean?

It's a Pie graph or Pie Chart are two other common names for a circle graph.

When the graph of a quadriatic function crosses the x axis twice the x cordinate of the vertex lies where between the two intercepts?

Precisely midway. That is to say, at their mean (average).

The graph of the line with the equation y23x-7 crosses the y-axis at which of the following values of y?

If you mean y = 23x-7 then the slope is 23 and the y intercept is -7

What does it mean if the roots of a quadratic equation are real?

It means that they can be represented by real numbers or lengths along the number line. It means that the graph of the quadratic crosses (meets) the horizontal axis.

What other words mean the same as write?

to graph down

Where is the constant located on a graph?

If, by constant you mean the value c in the equation of a line in the form y = mx + c, then the intercept c, is at (0,c). that is, it is the point where the line crosses the y axis.

What do the crosses mean on Trinity Blvd in Euless TX?

The crosses are for people that were murdered.

What is dense graph and sparse graph?

Sparse vs. Dense GraphsInformally, a graph with relatively few edges is sparse, and a graph with many edges is dense. The following definition defines precisely what we mean when we say that a graph ``has relatively few edges'': Definition (Sparse Graph) A sparse graph is a graph in which .For example, consider a graph with n nodes. Suppose that the out-degree of each vertex in G is some fixed constant k. Graph G is a sparse graph because .A graph that is not sparse is said to be dense:Definition (Dense Graph) A dense graph is a graph in which .For example, consider a graph with n nodes. Suppose that the out-degree of each vertex in G is some fraction fof n, . E.g., if n=16 and f=0.25, the out-degree of each node is 4. Graph G is a dense graph because .

What does 0 mean in a graph?

It is the point of origin of the x and y axes of the graph