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Precisely midway. That is to say, at their mean (average).

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Q: When the graph of a quadriatic function crosses the x axis twice the x cordinate of the vertex lies where between the two intercepts?
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Assuming it is a function of "x", those are two different names for the same thing.

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When the graph of a quadratic function crosses the x axis twice the x coordinate of the vertex lies between the two x intercepts?

that's true

When the graph of a quadratic function crosses the x-axis twice the x-coordinate of the vertex lies between the two x-intercepts?

The x co-ordinate of a quadratic lies exactly halfway between the two x-intercepts, assuming they exist. Alternatively, the x co-ordinate can be found using the formula -B/(2A), when the function is in the form, y = Axx + Bx + C.

When the graph of a quadratic function crosses the x-axis twice the x-coordinate of the lies exactly halfway between the two x-intercepts?

Exactly halfway

How would you use intercepts to find the vertex in a quadratic equation with two x intercepts?

The vertex must be half way between the two x intercepts

How do you graph this function y equals 1 plus x plus 3?

You find the intercepts on the x and y axis: First, sub in x=0, giving you y=4. Then sub in y=0, giving you x=-4. So your intercepts are (0,4) and (-4,0). Plot these 2 points, and draw a line between them (you can do this since your function is a straight line, not a curve).

What is the relationship between the vertex and the x intercepts?

In general, there is no relationship.

How can I generate a declining function with constraints on the x and y intercepts so that the integral of the curve is constant?

The integral of a given function between given integration limits will always be a constant. The integral of a given function between variable limits - for example, from 0 to x - can only be a constant if the function is equal to zero everywhere.

When can finding the x and y intercepts help you graph a line more efficiently?

If it's a straight line, then that's all you need. Find the 'x' and 'y' intercepts,lay your ruler down between the two points, and draw your line.

How do you find the y intercept of a scatter plot?

Measure the distance between the point where the line intercepts the Y axis and the origin

How do parallel and perpendicular slopes compare or their y intercept?

There is no relationship between the slopes of parallel or perpendicular lines and their y-intercepts.