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Parallel means lines (may it be bars, pencils, etc.) that go on forever and never cross.

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Q: What does parrelel mean?
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What 2D shapes have parallel lines?

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What 4 sided shape has 2 parrelel lines?

A trapezoid.

Can a triangle have two parrelel sides?

No. By definition, two parallel sides never meet.

Which two types of the abacus were directly derived from the chinese abacus?

wood parrelel rod and beads

Name of a 4 sided shape with 2 parrelel sides and no squares tell me the answer nooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?


Is every paralellogram a square?

No. it doesn't have to be. The parrelel edges are probably perpendiular do the square so thearedicly, it doesn't have to be.

What is parrelel lines?

Parallel lines never touch each other and remain equal distance from each other

A wire of resistance r is cut into ten equal parts which are then joined in parrelel the equivalent resistance of the combination will be?

10 r

What is the history of the abacus?

The abacus is an ancient calculating tool with a history spanning over 3,000 years. Its name derives from the Greek word "abax" or "abakon," meaning "tabular form," possibly originating from the Semitic word "abq," meaning "sand." Evolution of the Abacus Origins (circa 300-500 BC): The exact origin of the abacus is not definitively established, but it is believed to have been invented between 300 and 500 BC. Chinese Abacus (Suanpan): Early versions featured a 2/5 bead configuration, which was complex and later simplified. Japanese Abacus (Soroban): Mathematician Seki Kowa modified the abacus to a 1/4 bead configuration, leading to the modern Soroban used today. Today, the abacus is not only a manual calculator but also a powerful brain development tool. At Mastermind Abacus, we integrate this ancient instrument with modern teaching methodologies to enhance mathematical skills and cognitive abilities in learners.

Why is the wingspan of birds a consideration in determining the spacing between parrelel wires in a power line?

a bird will not be harmed if touching one wire but if it make a connection to a second wire it will be killed.

If line one is parrelel to line two and line one has a slope of negitave one sixth what is the slope of line two?

If two lines are parallel, then they will both have the same slope.