

What does score mean in money?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What does score mean in money?
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What does Which score s mean?

It means they want to spend money to get the info, basically its S for Subscribe.

What does it mean if the Z score of a test is equal to 0?

If the Z Score of a test is equal to zero then the raw score of the test is equal to the mean. Z Score = (Raw Score - Mean Score) / Standard Deviation

Is a negative z score always an indicator that the raw score is below the mean?

Yes.z = (raw score - mean)/standard error.Since the standard error is positive, z < 0 => (raw score - mean) < 0 => raw score < mean.

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The Score grossed $113,542,091 worldwide.

Is it true any score with value less than the population mean will have a negative z-score?

Yes. If a score is below the mean, the z score will be negative.

If i give grantsgov 490 to raise credit score will they give me my money back or will they steal it?

If you give grantsgov $490 to raise your credit score, you will lose the money and your credit score will not be raised.

Where you use negative integers?

One application is in accounting money- money owed is a negative balance ; money owed you is positive. Another application is in keeping score in games in which penalties can subtract from you score- you may end up with a negative score.

What does a good credit score mean?

A good credit score means an great personal financial credibility. You will need to have a stable income source, spend your money wisely and pay your bill on time in order to achieve this.

What does a negative z-score mean?

z-score of a value=(that value minus the mean)/(standard deviation). So if a value has a negative z-score, then it is below the mean.