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It is a measure of the spread of the outcomes around the mean value.

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Q: What does standard deviation provide when measuring the range of possible outcomes of a distribution?
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How many experimental outcomes are possible for the binomial and the Poisson distributions?

The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution. The number of possible outcomes depends on the number of possible successes in a given trial. For the Poisson distribution there are Infinitely many.

How do you obtain a probability distribution?

Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.

What does it mean for a probability to be fair?

A probability is fair if there is no bias in any of the possible outcomes. Said another way, all of the possible outcomes in a fair distribution have an equal probability.

Is in the normal distribution the total area beneath the curve represent the probability for all possible outcomes for a given event?

Yes. The total area under any probability distribution curve is always the probability of all possible outcomes - which is 1.

What describes the possible outcomes of any single trial of a ninomial distribution experiment?

an outcome

Is it possible that in standard normal distribution standard deviation known and mean unknown?

it is possible to distribute standard deviation and mean but you dont have to understand how the mouse runs up the clock hicorky dickory dock.

What is a listing of all possible outcomes of an experiment and their corresponding probability of occurrence is called?

It is the probability distribution.

What is the relationship between standard deviation and accuracy?

It depends what you're asking. The question is extremely unclear. Accuracy of what exactly? Even in the realm of statistics an entire book could be written to address such an ambiguous question (to answer a myriad of possible questions). If you simply are asking what the relationship between the probability that something will occur given the know distribution of outcomes (such as a normal distribution), the mean of that that distribution, and the the standard deviation, then the standard deviation as a represents the spread of the curve of probability. This means that if you had a cure where 0 was the mean, and 3 was the standard deviation, the likelihood of observing a value of 12 (or -12) would be likely inaccurate if that was your prediction. However, if you had a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 100, the likelihood of observing of a 12 (or -12) would be quite likely. This is simply because the standard deviation provides a simple representation of the horizontal spread of probability on the x-axis.

When is binomial distribution used?

Binomial distribution is learned about in most statistic courses. You could use them in experiments when there are two possible outcomes and each experiment is independent.

What are the requirements of a probability distribution?

It is always non-negative. The sum (or integral) over all possible outcomes is 1.

Assumptions of binimial distribution?

The assumptions of the binomial distribution are that there are a fixed number of independent trials, each trial has two possible outcomes (success or failure), the probability of success is constant across all trials, and the outcomes of each trial are independent of each other.

What is the middle 95 percent of students who drink five beers with a standard deviation of 01 and a mean of 07?

Not possible to tell you without knowing how many students' there are, and what distribution you wish to use (i.e normal distribution, t-distribution etc...)