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Q: What does the Ctrl plus Z key do?
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What is the definition for ctrl-z?

Undo is Ctrl-Z. Redo is either Ctrl-Y or in some programs Ctrl-Alt-Z.

What is the shortcut key of UNDO in Microsoft Word?

ctrl + Z Ctrl +Z is undo for everything

What is the redo hot key in Photoshop?

Ctrl + Z is Undo and Redo (last step only), Alt + Ctrl + Z is step backward and Shift + Ctrl + Z is step forward.

What does Ctrl plus equals key effect?

It increases the magnification of the screen. CTRL plus _ does the reverse.

Shortcut key from control A to Z?

ctrl + a : select all

What is the shortcut key of redo?

Try Ctrl + Y. There is no common universal shortcut for Redo, although you might find the option in some programs, e.g., Adobe Photoshop.

What does undo ctrl plus x?

control+z = undo

What does ctrl plus z do in document?

Ctrl and a key are just "codes" put into software by Microsoft. Here are the only codes I know but they are very helpful in time.CTRL+C: CopyCTRL+X: CutCTRL+V: PasteCTRL+Z: UndoCTRL+B: BoldCTRL+U: UnderlineCTRL+I: Italic

How do you turn on the control key My control key suddenly turned off and none of the control key shortcuts like ctrl plus c or ctrl plus alt plus delete work anymore how do you turn it back on?


What is the shortcut key to power on off suspend and reset the VM?

Ctrl-E Power off. Ctrl-R Reset the power. Ctrl-Z Suspend.

What is Ctrl plus Alt plus down arrow key?

flips the screen

What command do you use to bring back copy you deleted by using CTRL Z too many times?

CTRL+Z is simply the shortcut key for the Undo command. To "undo your undo" so to speak, you must use the Redo command. Usually, the shortcut key for this is CTRL+Y.