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R means radius because the area of a circle = pi*radius2

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Q: What does the R mean in equation pi x R squared?
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One half of pi r squared?

This is the equation of a semi-circle, or a half circle.

What is the equation to calculate the area of a circle if you know the diameter?

Area= Pi r squared

What does R equals TTr2 mean?

TT in this case is standing in for the greek letter pi (π) TTr2 means "Pi times the radius squared" and is the equation for calculating the area of a circle.

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What does the circumference of a circle?

You mean what Is the circumference of a circle? pi*(r)squared.

What is the description of pi?

Pi is the ratio of the outside circumference of a circle (perfect) to the radius expressed in the equation Pie are Squared ;) (Pi X R2) Pi is the value of Pi and R is the Radius of the circle.

What does pi r squared mean in math?

That's the formula for the area of a circle.

How do i find the height of a right cylinder the a surface area of 160 pi squared and a radius of 5?

The relevant equation is 2*pi*r*(r+h) = 160.Solve this for h.

How do you find the are of the base of a cylinder?

SA=2(pi times r squared) + h(pi 2 r) or (easier way) 2 pi r squared + 2 pi r h

What is 2 pie r sqaured?

Pi r squared is the formula for the area of a circle. 2 pi r squared is twice that.

What is the relationship between the area of a circle and its radius squared?

The area of a circle is defined by the equation A = πr^2 where π = pi (3.14...) A = Area r^2 = radius squared So, the radius of a circle squared multiplied by pi equals the area.

Is c equals 2πr the same as c equals πr squared?

No. C = 2*pi*r is the equation representing the circumference of a circle. The area of a circle is equal to pi*(r^2).