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Q: What does the statement p q mean?
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What does the statement p arrow q mean?

It means the statement P implies Q.

If p q and q r then p r. Converse statement B.A syllogism C.Contrapositive statement D.Inverse statement?

Converse: If p r then p q and q rContrapositive: If not p r then not (p q and q r) = If not p r then not p q or not q r Inverse: If not p q and q r then not p r = If not p q or not q r then not p r

What notation does a condition statement use?

"if p then q" is denoted as p → q. ~p denotes negation of p. So inverse of above statement is ~p → ~q, and contrapositive is ~q →~p. ˄ denotes 'and' ˅ denotes 'or'

What is converse inverse and contrapositive?

if the statement is : if p then q converse: if q then p inverse: if not p then not q contrapositive: if not q then not

Is the statement P q valid?

No, it is not valid because there is no operator between P and q.

This statement is false brain teaser?

Let us consider "This statement is false." This quotation could also be read as "This, which is a statement, is false," which could by extent be read as "This is a statement and it is false." Let's call this quotation P. The statement that P is a statement will be called Q. If S, then R and S equals R; therefore, if Q, then P equals not-P (since it equals Q and not-P). Since P cannot equal not-P, we know that Q is false. Since Q is false, P is not a statement. Since P says that it is a statement, which is false, P itself is false. Note that being false does not make P a statement; all things that are statements are true or false, but it is not necessarily true that all things that are true or false are statements. In summary: "this statement is false" is false because it says it's a statement but it isn't.

Which statement represents the inverse of p → q?


What does p over q mean in algebra?

P! / q!(p-q)!

Make a truth table for the statement if p then not q?

. p . . . . . q. 0 . . . . . 1. 1 . . . . . 0

What statement is true if P is an Integer and Q is a nonzero integer?

Any fraction p/q where p is an integer and q is a non-zero integer is rational.

Which term best describes the statement given If p q and q r then p r below?

a syllogism

Which statement always has the same truth value as the conditional?

The statement "if not p, then not q" always has the same truth value as the conditional "if p, then q." They are logically equivalent.