The statement "If not q, then not p" is logically equivalent to "If p, then q."
The statement "p implies q" can be expressed as "not p or q" using the logical operator "or" and the negation of "p".
In the statement "p implies q," the relationship between p and q is that if p is true, then q must also be true.
The statement "p if and only if q" is true when both p and q are true, or when both p and q are false.
If not p, then not q means that if something is not true or does not happen (p), then something else is also not true or does not happen (q).
Modus ponens is a valid form of deductive reasoning that asserts if a conditional statement is true (If P, then Q) and the condition (P) is also true, then the conclusion (Q) must be true. It follows the logical pattern of affirming the antecedent.
The statement "if not p, then not q" always has the same truth value as the conditional "if p, then q." They are logically equivalent.
p --> q and q --> p are not equivalent p --> q and q --> (not)p are equivalent The truth table shows this. pq p --> q q -->(not)p f f t t f t t t t f f f t t t t
The statement "p implies q" can be expressed as "not p or q" using the logical operator "or" and the negation of "p".
It is: q+p because a double minus becomes a plus
Converse: If p r then p q and q rContrapositive: If not p r then not (p q and q r) = If not p r then not p q or not q r Inverse: If not p q and q r then not p r = If not p q or not q r then not p r
In the statement "p implies q," the relationship between p and q is that if p is true, then q must also be true.
Conditional statements are also called "if-then" statements.One example: "If it snows, then they cancel school."The converse of that statement is "If they cancel school, then it snows."The inverse of that statement is "If it does not snow, then they do not cancel school.The contrapositive combines the two: "If they do not cancel school, then it does not snow."In mathematics:Statement: If p, then q.Converse: If q, then p.Inverse: If not p, then not q.Contrapositive: If not q, then not p.If the statement is true, then the contrapositive is also logically true. If the converse is true, then the inverse is also logically true.
It means the statement P implies Q.
The statement "p if and only if q" is true when both p and q are true, or when both p and q are false.
"if p then q" is denoted as p → q. ~p denotes negation of p. So inverse of above statement is ~p → ~q, and contrapositive is ~q →~p. ˄ denotes 'and' ˅ denotes 'or'
Conditional ConnectivesThe statement `if p then q' is called a conditional statement and is written logically as p ! q.(This asserts that the truth of p guarantees the truth of q.)p ! q can also be read as `p implies q', where p is sometimes called the antecedent and qtheconsequent.Examples:p: It is raining.q: I get wet.p ! q: If it is raining, then I get wet.s: It is Sunday.w: I have to work today.s ! w: If it is Sunday, then I have to work today.»s ! w: If it is not Sunday, then I have to work today.s !»w: If it is Sunday, I do not have to work today.(s ^ p) !»w: If it is Sunday and it's raining, then I don't have to work today.To examine the truth or falsity of p ! q, suppose p and q are the following propositionsp: I win the lottery,q: I will buy you a car.Then p ! q is the statement `If I win the lottery, then I will buy you a car'.
if the statement is : if p then q converse: if q then p inverse: if not p then not q contrapositive: if not q then not