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In order for me to answer that, you'd have to let me see Photo-51.

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Q: What does the x pattern in photo 51 indicate about the structer of DNA?
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How did Watson and Crick determine the three dimensional of DNA?

Watson and Crick used Franklin and Goslingâ??s â??Photo 51â?? to determine the three-dimensional shape of DNA. â??Photo 51â?? is the X-ray diffraction image of DNA that shows the pattern of DNA structure.

How did Watson and Crick determined the three-dimensional shape of DNA?

Watson and Crick used Franklin and Goslingâ??s â??Photo 51â?? to determine the three-dimensional shape of DNA. â??Photo 51â?? is the X-ray diffraction image of DNA that shows the pattern of DNA structure.

How is the chromosomes in the eukaryotes different from the structer of chromosomes in prokaryotes?

in eukaryotic chromosomes it produces DNA to live and in prokaryotic chromosomes it is nothing but bacteria.

What role did xray photo of DNA play in the discovery of DNA structure?

The X-ray photo of DNA taken by Rosalind Franklin provided crucial evidence for the structure of DNA. It showed a distinctive X-shaped pattern, suggesting a helical structure. This data was key for Watson and Crick to propose their double helix model of DNA.

What did the pattern of the X-ray photo of rosaland Franklin tell Watson and crick about the structure of DNA?

The X-ray photo of DNA taken by Rosalind Franklin revealed a distinct X-shaped pattern indicating a helical structure. Watson and Crick used this data to deduce that DNA is a double helix with two anti-parallel strands held together by hydrogen bonds between the base pairs. This insight was crucial in determining the structure of DNA.

What is the pattern in the DNA structure?

The pattern in the DNA structure is known as the double helix, where two strands of DNA are coiled around each other in a twisted ladder-like structure. These strands are composed of nucleotides that form base pairs (adenine with thymine, and cytosine with guanine) connected by hydrogen bonds. This pattern allows for the accurate replication of DNA during cell division.

How did X-ray diffraction help Watson and Crick determine the structure of DNA?

Using the X-ray photo Rosalind Franklin had taken, Watson and Crick were able to conclude the fact that DNA is a double helix. Franklin's photo gave them an actual look at the DNA's structure.

How did watson and Crick determine the three dimensional shape of DNA?

Watson and Crick determined the three-dimensional shape of DNA by building models based on X-ray crystallography data collected by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins. Their model proposed a double helix structure with specific base pairing rules. This discovery revolutionized our understanding of genetics and molecular biology.

What did waston and crick deduce about the structer of DNA?

Watson and Crick deduced that DNA has a double helix structure, consisting of two strands twisted around each other. They also determined that the structure allows for complementary base pairing between the nitrogenous bases adenine and thymine, and between cytosine and guanine.

A pattern of bands made up of specific DNA fragments is a?

DNA fingerprint

How can you identify a man from his DNA?

There are billions of base pairs in your chromosomes. So that is practically impossible to have a same photocopy of the DNA. So it is always possible to identify the individual from his DNA pattern. There is but one loophole in this statement. That is, you have same DNA pattern in identical twins and it is very difficult to identify them separately from their DNA pattern.

Who was responsible for taking photo 51 which led Watson and crick to determine the structure of DNA?

Dr. Franklin took the photo in 1952 May. Maurice Wilkins showed James Watson the photo in early 1953.