Multiply 0.00039805 by 100 to convert to percent: 0.00039805 × 100 = 0.039805 %
If you mean percent then 10% as a decimal is 0.1
To convert to percent, move the decimal two places to the right. If you mean .008, the percent is 0.8 %If you mean 8, the percent is 800%
3.5 percent= .035 as a decimal and is 3 and 1/2 percent. If you mean what is 3.5 AS A percent, then it is 350%.
All %'s mean is number/100 so, 0.44 ==
If you mean 125% as a decimal then it is 1.25
that is 84.2 as a decimal. Do u mean as a percent ?
If you mean percent then 10% as a decimal is 0.1
If you mean 0.8 then it is 80%
If you mean 13/20 then as a decimal it is 0.65 and as a percentage it is 65%
I assume you mean "percent". To convert from a regular decimal to percent, you have to multiply by 100.
To convert to percent, move the decimal two places to the right. If you mean .008, the percent is 0.8 %If you mean 8, the percent is 800%
3.5 percent= .035 as a decimal and is 3 and 1/2 percent. If you mean what is 3.5 AS A percent, then it is 350%.
1.0008 is already a decimal number. Do you mean making it until a percent
79%: = 0.79 in decimal = 79/100 in fraction 10.3% = 0.103 in decimal = 103/1000 in fraction 10.7% = 0.107 in decimal = 107/1000 in fraction
All %'s mean is number/100 so, 0.44 ==
If you mean 125% as a decimal then it is 1.25
Starting with one of fraction, percent or decimal, find an equivalent value in one of the other ways of expressing numbers.