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Q: What does this graph demonstrate?
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How would you use the words Visual aid in a sentence?

He used a PowerPoint graph as a visual aid to demonstrate his point.

How does the reduction from clique to independent set demonstrate the relationship between finding a maximum clique in a graph and finding a maximum independent set in the same graph?

Reducing a clique problem to an independent set problem shows that finding a maximum clique in a graph is equivalent to finding a maximum independent set in the same graph. This means that the solutions to both problems are related and can be used interchangeably to solve each other.

What kind of graph is used to show change over time?

Line graphs are used to display data or information that changes continuously over time. Line graphs allow us to see overall trends such as an increase or decrease in data over time.By contrast, bar graphs emphasize the magnitude of changes, so they are an excellent way to demonstrate data with sharp fluctuations, but not continuously over time.

What are the five parts of a graph?

the five graph is line graph,bar graph,pictograph,pie graph and coin graph

What are the names of the on a graph?

bar graph, double bar graph, line graph, and picto graph

What is a toporaphic map?

It is a map that uses graph lines to demonstrate the actual features differences in hills, valleys and such. If you were looking at a model topographic map it would look exactly like the terrain at the actual area the map represents.

What is the verb for demonstrate?

The verb form of demonstration is demonstrate.Other verbs are demonstrates, demonstrating and demonstrated."We will demonstrate the steps to you"."They have demonstrated this before".

Blank Are pictures of relationship?

its a graph

How does the reduction from 3-SAT to 3-coloring demonstrate the relationship between the satisfiability problem and the graph coloring problem?

The reduction from 3-SAT to 3-coloring shows that solving the satisfiability problem can be transformed into solving the graph coloring problem. This demonstrates a connection between the two problems, where the structure of logical constraints in 3-SAT instances can be represented as a graph coloring problem, highlighting the interplay between logical and combinatorial aspects in computational complexity theory.

Kinds of bar graph?

bar graph,line graph and pie graph

What is subgraph in given graph?

If all the vertices and edges of a graph A are in graph B then graph A is a sub graph of B.

How are elements usually displayed in a line graph circle graph or a bar graph or a table graph?

Table Graph