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If all the vertices and edges of a graph A are in graph B then graph A is a sub graph of B.

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Q: What is subgraph in given graph?
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How do you find subgraph in a graph?

simply draw separate graph from the graph from which you have to find the subgraphs, remove exact one edge ont time and proceed to the till end.

Given an undirected graph G and an integer k?

Given an undirected graph G=(V,E) and an integer k, find induced subgraph H=(U,F) of G of maximum size (maximum in terms of the number of vertices) such that all vertices of H have degree at least k

What is the minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph g?

The minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph g is the smallest tree that connects all the vertices in the graph without forming any cycles. It is a subgraph of the original graph that includes all the vertices and has the minimum possible total edge weight.

Is finding a dense subgraph NP-complete?

Yes, finding a dense subgraph is NP-complete.

Is the problem of subgraph isomorphism being NP-complete?

Yes, the problem of subgraph isomorphism is NP-complete.

What is the value of a solubility graph?

The solubility graph shows how much of a solute will dissolve in a given solvent at a given temperature.

What are the current challenges and advancements in solving the subgraph isomorphism problem?

The current challenges in solving the subgraph isomorphism problem include the exponential growth of possible subgraph combinations and the need for efficient algorithms to find matches. Advancements in this area include the development of faster algorithms, improved heuristics, and the use of parallel computing to speed up the process.

When you are given a graph how can you come up with a rational function equation?

You cannot, necessarily. Given a graph of the tan function, you could not.

What is induced subgraph?

Any subset X ⊆ nodes(G) induces a subgraph G[X] of G, where G[X] has nodes X and G[X] contains all arcs of G which join nodes in X.G′ is a full (or induced) subgraph of G if G′ = G[X] for some X ⊆ nodes(G).Iain Phillips Lecture Notes 2008

How can you tell by looking at a graph its a function?

Draw a graph of a given curve in the xoy plane. Now draw a vertical line so that it cuts the graph. If the vertical line cuts the graph in more than one ordinate then given graph is not a function. If it cuts the graph at a single ordinate such a graph is a function.(is called vertical line test)

What information is given in a line graph?

It depends on the two (or more) variables that are plotted on the graph.