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Q: What does uneven population distribution mean?
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The uneven distribution of population in russia is due to?

The uneven distribution of population in Russia is due to the physical environment. Parts of Russia are very difficult to live in, while others are ideal.

What is uneven distribution in farming?

uneven distribution in farming is referring to the uneven distribution of rain fall

Give the reasons for the uneven distribution of population in Pakistan?

The uneven distribution of population in Pakistan can be attributed to factors such as geographic features like mountains and deserts that limit inhabitable areas, historical patterns of settlement, economic opportunities in urban areas, and social factors like cultural preferences and availability of resources. Additionally, government policies and infrastructure development also play a role in shaping population distribution in the country.

What does uneven distribution means?

An uneven distribution means that an area which is uneven to the area beside the area which is uneven

What is the mean of the sampling distribution equal to?

The mean of the sampling distribution is the population mean.

What does the age distribution of a population mean?

The age distribution of a population is, the number of individuals of each age in the population.

What does age distribution of a population mean?

The age distribution of a population is, the number of individuals of each age in the population.

How do you use distribution in sentence?

The distribution of Christmas gifts was uncharacteristically unfair. Meals on Wheels handles the distribution of meals to the elderly. Distribution of mail is the main duty of the US Postal Service. The population distibution in the US is uneven.

Why is Australia's population distribution uneven?

Australia's population distribution is uneven primarily due to the country's geographical features, with much of the land being arid and unsuitable for settlement. The majority of the population is concentrated in urban areas along the coast where more favorable conditions exist for living and economic activities. Additionally, historical patterns of colonization and development have also influenced the uneven distribution of population in Australia.

What is the difference between population and sample distribution?

Sampling distribution is the probability distribution of a given sample statistic. For example, the sample mean. We could take many samples of size k and look at the mean of each of those. The means would form a distribution and that distribution has a mean, a variance and standard deviation. Now the population only has one mean, so we can't do this. Population distribution can refer to how some quality of the population is distributed among the population.

Why is there uneven distribution of water in yemen?

There is uneven distribution of water in Yemen because some parts of the country are arid and semi-arid.