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Q: What does weaker than the sum of its parts mean In reference to the Gov?
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Does neptune stroger or weaker of the earth?

It isn't clear what you mean with "stronger or weaker". Neptune's gravity is stronger than that of Earth, if that's what you mean, since Neptune has a larger mass.

Does Pluto have a stronger or weaker gravity than earth?

Pluto has a weaker gravity than Earth. In fact, Pluto has a weaker gravity than Earth's moon.

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Venus has weaker gravity than Earth. The surface gravity on Venus is about 91% of Earth's gravity.

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Our dollar is weaker than their moneythe dollar is weak

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Mercury has weaker gravity compared to Earth. Its surface gravity is about 38% of Earth's gravity.

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No, women are not mentally weaker than men. While there are some women that may be weaker, there are also some men that are weaker than the average woman.

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No! Just because he's smaller dose not mean he is weaker

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Yes, it has weaker gravity than the sun.

Is mars stronger than erthe or weaker?

Mars is weaker than Earth in terms of physical strength due to its smaller size and lower gravity. However, in terms of geological processes, Mars can be considered stronger as it has evidence of past volcanism, tectonic activity, and large-scale water flow.