

What does whole number include?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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7y ago

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They are the integers.

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Q: What does whole number include?
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Related questions

Does a whole number include integers?

Integers are defined as whole numbers.

Is every number a whole number?

No, not every number is a whole number. Whole numbers include zero and all positive integers, but do not include any fractions, decimals, or negative numbers.

How to find a whole number?

The whole numbers include the counting numbers, plus zero.

Is -1 a whole number that is not positive?

Yes. Alternative answer: No, -1 is not a whole number. The whole numbers are 0 and the positive integers, but do not include negative integers.

Is every rational number a whole number?

No. Every rational number is not a whole number but every whole number is a rational number. Rational numbers include integers, natural or counting numbers, repeating and terminating decimals and fractions, and whole numbers.

What is the difference between a whole number and a not whole number?

A whole number does not include a fraction or decimal part. For example, 3, 107, -9 and zero are whole numbers. 2.1, -17,4528765 and two-and-a-half are not whole numbers.

Does the set of rational numbers include whole number?


Is 245 a whole number?

No. Whole numbers include 1, 2, 3, 4, ... .

Are counting numbers always whole numbers?

Whole numbers include the number 0 and counting numbers do not.

How is a whole number defined?

A whole number is a number that cannot be broken down into parts and is not continuous. It represents a single discrete object. Whole numbers include the positive integers or natural numbers and zero.

What number is a whole number but not a natural number?

100 and above...numbers never end! * * * * * Rubbish answer! Any negative integer is a whole number but not a natural number. Some people include 0, others do not.

What is another word for natural number?

Natural numbers are sometimes defined to include zero, sometimes not. Equivalent terms therefore may include: positive integers, non-negative integers, whole numbers, positive whole numbers ("whole number" is ambiguous; some take it to include negative numbers, some not).