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Q: What effect does increasing the sample size have on the probability?
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Does the size of a sample affect the values of the frequency table?

Yes. If the sample is a random drawing from the population, then as the size increases, the relative frequency of each interval from the sample should be a better estimate of the relative frequency in the population. Now, in practical terms, increasing a small sample will have a larger effect than increasing a large sample. For example, increasing a sample from 10 to 100 will have a larger effect than increasing a sample from 1000 to 10,000. The one exception to this, that I can think of, is if the focus of the study is on a very rare occurrence.

How does Increasing the sample size while keeping the same confidence level has what effect on the margin of error?

The margin of error is reduced.

Can increasing sample size reduce random error?

Random error and sample size have an inverse relationship...As sample size INCREASES random error DECREASES. There's a good explanation at the related link.

What is the defining characteristic of a random sample?

Each member of the population has the same probability of being in the sample as any other. Equivalently, any set of members of the given sample size has the same probability of being selected as any other set.

What is the random sampling method?

Random sampling is a method of selecting a sample where each member of the population has the same probability of being included in the sample. An equivalent statement is that each subset of the population, of the given size, has the same probability of being selected as any other subset of that size.

Related questions

What are the differences between probability sampling and non probability sampling?

In a probability sample, each unit has the same probability of being included in the sample. Equivalently, given a sample size, each sample of that size from the population has the same probability of being selected. This is not true for non-probability sampling.

Does the size of a sample affect the values of the frequency table?

Yes. If the sample is a random drawing from the population, then as the size increases, the relative frequency of each interval from the sample should be a better estimate of the relative frequency in the population. Now, in practical terms, increasing a small sample will have a larger effect than increasing a large sample. For example, increasing a sample from 10 to 100 will have a larger effect than increasing a sample from 1000 to 10,000. The one exception to this, that I can think of, is if the focus of the study is on a very rare occurrence.

What is the primary characteristic of a probability sample?

In the context of a sample of size n out of a population of N, any sample of size n has the same probability of being selected. This is equivalent to the statement that any member of the population has the same probability of being included in the sample.

Is the sample size in poisson probability distribution?

It can be.

What accurately describe the effect of increasing the sample size?

A sample size is a group which is sampled in surveys, statistics, and in the scientific method. Increasing a sample size might decrease or increase the margin of error, depending on what was being measured. For instance, a sample of 100 women who were pregnant, might increase or decrease the the margin of error for women who showed morning sickness while pregnant.

How does Increasing the sample size while keeping the same confidence level has what effect on the margin of error?

The margin of error is reduced.

What is the definition for probability sample?

A probability sample is one in which each member of the population has the same probability of being included. An alternative and equivalent definition is that it is a sample such that the probability of selecting that particular sample is the same for all samples of that size which could be drawn from the population.

What is the symbol for sample size in probability and statistics?


What is the key feature of probability sampling?

The key feature is that each sample of the given size has the same probability of being selected as the sample. Equivalently, each unit in the population has the same probability of being included in the sample.

How does increasing the sample size affect the sample error of the mean?

It should reduce the sample error.

The mean of a binomial probability distribution can be determined by multiplying?

The mean of a binomial probability distribution can be determined by multiplying the sample size times the probability of success.

What is true of a random sample?

Every member in the population has the same probability of being in the sample.Or, equivalently, every set of the given sample size has the same probability of being selected.