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Q: What entity acts as a compartment ed special operations node that coordinates synchronizes and de conflicts nar operations?
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What are the conflicts that arise between operations finance and marketing functions in an organization?

Most of the conflicts which arise between finance and marketing include budget allocations. The marketing department may have a good plan and a budget but the finance department will downplay the idea and allocate less money.

Which of the following organizations might send peacekeepers to help prevent or end conflicts?

The United Nations The UN was founded after the Second World War with the guiding principle to promote international cooperation and prevent future conflicts. Today, the UN continues to promote peace and has active peacekeeping operations around the world.

Why do conflicts occur in various projects?

There are several reasons for conflicts:- Team conflicts (conflicts between team members)- Schedule conflicts- Stakeholder conflicts

What is the importance of Peacekeeping operations is to poor nations?

Peacekeeping operations in poor nations help to maintain stability and security, which are crucial for economic development and poverty reduction. They can also help to prevent conflicts and violence, thereby protecting vulnerable populations and promoting social cohesion. Additionally, peacekeeping operations can create a conducive environment for humanitarian assistance and development projects to be implemented effectively.

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A sociologist examines the results of conflicts among groups.?

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In the first three years of the US Civil War, cavalry actions were not part of the Army of the Potomac's major conflicts. For example, at the battles of Antietam, and Fredericksburg, the total number of cavalry casualties were less than 40 troops. The methods of defense and offensive in these Eastern battles did not call for major cavalry operations.

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