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Q: What episode of psych do you find out that Shawn got 100 percent on the detective test?
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I am 15.5 years old but only 5 feet tall what should I do?

You could where shoes with tall heals. Other than that I afraid there is not to much you can do to change it. (That I know of) But what ever you do, don't let is psych you out. Women love confidence no matter how tall a guy is.

Does clinical psychology require maths or maths literacy?

A BA in Psychology requires the ability to be able to learn and pass the basic statistics and probabilities course and to be able to put them to use. So the answer to your question is absolutely and resoundingly a yes. Resource: my personal experience as I am a Psych major.

What does when the sample size and degrees of freedom is sufficiently large the difference between a t distribution and the normal distribution becomes negligible mean?

The t-distribution and the normal distribution are not exactly the same. The t-distribution is approximately normal, but since the sample size is so small, it is not exact. But n increases (sample size), degrees of freedom also increase (remember, df = n - 1) and the distribution of t becomes closer and closer to a normal distribution. Check out this picture for a visual explanation:

What does an IQ of 126 mean?

According to the psychological tests and measures standards as described in psych classes: Q - What do IQ tests measure? A - IQ Q - What is IQ? A - What IQ measures The significance of an IQ test is that you have demonstrated the ability to get a good score on an IQ test. The assumption is that a high score on an IQ test indicates an intelligence level. A score of 135 indicates that out of a random group of 100 people, only about 5 would be able to get as good or better score.Answer You asked what such a score means, and I think we can do a better job answering your question with easily verifiable information. Assuming that the score was achieved on a well-regarded, rigorous test such as the Wechsler (WAIS-III or IV), an IQ of 126 suggests a superior intellectual talent shared by only about 1 in every 20-30 people. Such a person would usually be one of the smartest people in a typical grade or middle school classroom. She would often have begun to read earlier than most, and at any stage of childhood, would seem to have a larger vocabulary, more general knowledge and common sense, and greater moral sensitivity, than most children of the same age. She would appear to learn more quickly, but more importantly, would be able to grasp concepts that many same-age persons were not able to, even if given virtually unlimited time.Later in life, it would not be surprising to see that a person, with the level of talent suggested by an IQ of 126, had graduated college or had even become a physician, lawyer, engineer, scientist, or executive. The typical professional in any of those fields will have an IQ of 120 or more; college graduates typically have IQs of 115 or more. If I were a teacher, parent, or counselor of a child with such intellectual talent (when verified through means other than just the IQ test, such as early development, school grades, etc.), I would certainly encourage the child to tackle greater challenges than are usually offered in the classroom at school, whether via accellerated programs, music lessons, home schooling, or grade skipping.

What is the probability of drawing 2 aces and 3 spades?

Hey, to start,, i am not a math guy at all, i have a couple years of philosophy and psych but nothing to be proud of,, just a drunk (little too much drugs) guy whose bored on the internet and now really wants someone to finish what ive got so far. So theres 3 possible outcomes when dealing the cards. "theres more than 3 looking at the suites, but only 3 as far as the probabilities go, take a second look if u dont know what i mean,,haha also if you dont u cant help me :( " A A S S S 26/52* 25/51* 13/50* 12/49* 11/48 = .0035 A S A S S 26/52* 25/51* 24/50* 12/49* 11/48 = .0066 S S A A S 26/52* 25/51* 24/50* 23/49* 11/48 =.0127 1/4 of spade 1/4 of Ace now you would look at scenario 3 and say that the prob of getting s,s,a is already--like another popular wikianswer shows,, prob of #3 (ssa) (1/4) (4/17) (13/50), =0.0153 and would already been thrown off.. but...u have to remember we have no specific order, which makes this question so difficult (for me at least) the probability of the 3rd and 4th card being either a spade or heart is where its tough for me, also that im doing this using my stickies and calculator on my macbook at 3am drunk would make it hard, was just interested in this question because i really enjoy poker. ,,so that leaves us at the question,, how do we take the prob of the 3rd and 4th card being either heart or spade (ignoring the reacquiring probabilities, and understanding theres only 3 outcomes) and make a new probability. Even if i were to find those probs how do i inculde them into the 3 other probs i have on the scenarios. Ill check this again, but if your wicked with your numbers could you please also email the solution to me ryen_00 at ...sorry to the question asker that i have no number for ya,,, i prob could have bullshitted an answer but i wanna know the real one now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOKE UP SOBER,, I THINK ITS JUST AS EASY AS ADDING THE 3 POSSIBLE CASES TOGETHER .0035+.0066+.0127= .0228 OR approx: 1/44

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