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Q: What feature is labeled B in Figure 7-1?
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The nucleus is labeled as a.

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I can provide a list of combinations of trees with 1, 2, and 3 vertices. 1 labeled vertex: Vertex A 2 labeled vertices: Tree 1: Vertex A connected to Vertex B 3 labeled vertices: Tree 1: Vertex A connected to Vertex B, Vertex C disconnected from A and B

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feature a and b

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The equation for slope is a=mx+b. The y-intercept is labeled b

What are the coordinates of the point labeled B?

this is Felipe Flores and the answer is (2,-6)

How do you calculcate the percentage that one figure is of another figure?

A as a percentage of B: (100 x A)/B

What is the function of the organelle labeled ''b''?

The organelle labeled "b" is the mitochondrion. Its main function is to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the cell's main energy source through cellular respiration. The mitochondria also play a role in regulating cell metabolism and apoptosis (programmed cell death).

What is the code of the letter B in the ASCII code?

The ASCII code of letter B is 66

Which level of classification is represented by the box labeled a?

The box labeled "a" represents the domain level in biological classification. It is the highest level in the classification hierarchy.