0.533333333333333 can't be an improper fraction. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
It is simply 375/1 as an improper fraction
1% = 1/100 in fraction
It is an integer and it does not make sense to write it as a fraction. But if you must, you can write it as 30/1.
24/1, if you MUST represent it as a fraction.
14 as a decimal is 14.0 14 as a fraction is 14/1
0.533333333333333 can't be an improper fraction. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
It can't be one. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.
The absolute value of the given fraction is less than 1. Therefore it is not a muxed fraction and it is not possible to represent it as an improper fraction.
It can't be one. Mixed numbers are greater than 1.
To write the number foruteen as a fraction you write: 14/1.
It is simply 375/1 as an improper fraction
1% = 1/100 in fraction
14 to 1 is the integer 14 and there is no sensible way to represent it as a fraction.
This is how you write an equivalent fraction:2/4=1/2
You can write 24 as the improper fraction 24/1.