1/20 of it.
If you have a division sum, such as 53/18, then the divisor of the fractional part of the number will be the denominator of the fractional part of the mixed number. For example, 2 remainder 17 will turn into 2 17/18 or two and seventeen eighteenths. You can then turn the fractional part of the mixed number into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
The number is 24/7. The number is between 2 and 3 so the integer part of the mixed number is 2. The x is the 8th characters after the 2 so the numerator of the fractional part is 8. The 3 is the 14th characters after the 2 so the denominator of the fractional part is 14. Therefore, the fractional part is 8/14 = 4/7.
It is a percentage as for example 1/2 of a 100 is 50%
1/20 of it.
It is the whole part of a [mixed] fraction. For example, the integral amount for 32/5 is 3, the fractional amount is 2/5. Similarly, the integral part of 2.718 is 2 and the fractional part is 0.718
2/9 2 is the numerator 9 is the denominator
It is the whole part of a [mixed] fraction. For example, the integral amount for 32/5 is 3, the fractional amount is 2/5. Similarly, the integral part of 2.718 is 2 and the fractional part is 0.718
It is 64/93.
If you have a division sum, such as 53/18, then the divisor of the fractional part of the number will be the denominator of the fractional part of the mixed number. For example, 2 remainder 17 will turn into 2 17/18 or two and seventeen eighteenths. You can then turn the fractional part of the mixed number into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
One Eighth of a pound = 2 ounces
Steps to convert fractional decimal to binary: 1.Multiply the number fractional part) successively by 2 and note the integer part of product. 2.Repeat the process till the fractional part becomes 0 or required accuracy is reached. 3.Binary equivalent of fractional part are the carries i.e. integer which is noted separately. Write down these carries from top to bottom. e.g. Conversion of 0.75 to binary 0.75*2=1.50 1 0.50*2=1.00 1 ans==> (0.11)
The fractional part of a logarithm is called the Mantissa.
2 qts = 8 cups; 3/8 = fractional part left