Feet, a unit of measurement of length. There are 3 feet in a yard... 1 ft is 0.30480 metres (or 30.048 cm)
ft means "feet"
s=3 ft
Do you mean inches well in ft it`s 14 ft. In inches it`s 168 inches.
16002 is equal to 1600x1600, or 2560000.
There is no square feet by square feet. But if you mean 30 ft by 96 ft that would be 2880 ft2
ft means "feet"
s=3 ft
Do you mean inches well in ft it`s 14 ft. In inches it`s 168 inches.
ft means featuring
you will reach the work area in 1000 ft
16002 is equal to 1600x1600, or 2560000.
There is no square feet by square feet. But if you mean 30 ft by 96 ft that would be 2880 ft2
If you mean 16 ft x 16 ft then 2 tiles will suffice. If you did not mean 16 ft x 16 ft you could have considered mentioning what units of measurement you meant.
there are 12' in a foot ... you do the math ...Answer:54"/12"/ft= 4.5 ft
it means you dont know how to use a calculator
im assuming you mean 432 ft. there is 144yards in 423 ft