A square and a rectangle will meet the given criteria.
It could be a trapezoid
Yes its sides are parallel and its diagonals are perpendicular
maybe parellelagram
A parallelogram.
The first geometric shape that comes to mind with no perpendicular sides is a triangle.
A square and a rectangle will meet the given criteria.
It could be a trapezoid
Yes its sides are parallel and its diagonals are perpendicular
A trapezoid is a shape that has 4 sides and 2 parallel sides. The sides that are parallel are called the bases.
shape no pairs of perpendicular sides
maybe parellelagram
Kite is a geometry term for a quadrilateral shape. The shape has two pairs of adjacent sides that are congruent. The diagonals are perpendicular.
Shapes are not parallel or perpendicular. Lines are.Every side of a rectangle is parallel to the side opposite it,and perpendicular to both of the sides next to it.
Rectangle, Square, Parallelogram