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maybe parellelagram

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Q: What shape has 2 parellel sides?
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This 4 sided shape has 2 parellel sides?

A trapezoid is a shape that has 4 sides and 2 parallel sides. The sides that are parallel are called the bases.

What shape has 4 sides and 2 parellel sides?

Rectangle, Square, Parallelogram

What do you call a shape with 2 sets of parellel sides?

An octagon

What shape HAS 2 sets of parellel sides no perpendicular?

A parallelogram.

Why can't a shape have two sides?

Then it wouldn't be a shape then it would only be 2 parellel lines

What 4 sided shape has 2 parellel sides?

A square, a rectangle, a rhombus, or a parallelogram.

2 pairs of parellel sides four 90 degrees angels and opposite sides that are equal which shape best describes the shape?

A square

What is the name of the 2D shape with 4 sides and 2 parellel sides beginning with T and ending with M?


What shape has 4 sides and has one pair of its sides is parellel?


What is a shape with one parallel sides?

for a shape to be parellel two lines have to never touch if they were extended on forever. a shape with one pair of parellel lines is a trapezoid.

Four sided shape with two parellel sides?


What four sided shape has two parellel sides?

trapezoid :)