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When you are adding and subtracting decimals, youare +/- ing the whole numbers and tenths in the number. the decimal might go away ex: 1.3-0.3=1 or it won't ex: 1.9-0.3=1.6

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Q: What happens to the decimal in adding and subtracting decimals?
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Related questions

What is the rule for significant figures when adding or subtracting decimals?

When adding and/or subtracting, your answer can only show as many decimal places as the measurement having the fewest number in the decimal places.

When do you need to write zero as a placeholder when adding and subtracting decimals?

Adding decimal same as adding whole numbers

When adding or subtracting decimals the decimal point must be in line for all numbers?


When adding or subtracting decimals always do what?

First you write the decimals one under the other, in such as way that the decimal points are aligned.

How are adding subtracting decimals different from multiplying them?

They aren't. The rules are the same as those for adding/subtracting or multiplying integers. Just be careful of the decimal point's location.

Do decimal points need to be lined up when adding and subtracting decimals?

Yes, unless you are an expert.

What is the first step when you are adding and subtracting decimals?

Write them one above the other with the decimal points aligned.

When do you line up the decimal?

you only line the decimals up when you are subtracting or adding not when you are multiplying im not sure about division...

What are the three rules of adding and subtracting decimals for 5 grade?

line up the decimal point when your adding and subtracting. add annex a zero when you have extra number. sometimes you can use a number line.

What grade do you learn adding decimals?

3rd. Adding Decimals 5th - Adding and subtracting 6th - Dividing Decimals

What is the key of adding and subtracting decimals?

The key would be to add (00.) before your decimal. IE 00.41 + 00.95 = 01.36

When adding and subtracting decimals will your answer be a mixed number?
