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To double the area of a square, you must multiply the length of the sides by the square root of 2, √2, which is about 1.414.

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Q: What happens to the side length of a square when you double the area?
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Does doubling the side length of a square double the area?

No. If you double the length of the sides, you multiply the area by 4. For example, a 10x10 square has an area of 100, but a 20x20 square has an area of 400.

What happens to the perimeter and the area of a rectangle if you double the length and the width?

the perimeter will double. but the area should doubled to four

What happens to the area of a rectangle if both the length and width double?

the area also doubles

If you triple the length of the sides of a square what happens to the area?

The area is increased by a factor of 9.

What happens to the area of a square when you double its sides?

The area will increase by a factor of 4 in this case.

What happens to the area of a square when the measurement of its side is doubled?

If a square has a side length of 4 centimetres, then its area is equal to 4 x 4 = 16cm2 (16 square centimetres).If a square has a side length of 8 centimetres, then its area is equal to 8 x 8 = 64cm2 (64 square centimetres).Therefore, by doubling the side length of a square, the squares area quadruples.

What happens to the area of a triangle if the length and base double?

By length u mean???? diagonal or height.... it doesnt have length If you meant all the lengths of the sides- the area would be 4A (the area (A) times by four).

What is the area of an equilateral triangle whose altitude is 4?

It is double the length of the base, in square units.

Write an assembly language programin 8085 to find a square of a given number?

To find the area of a square, the person can simply multiply length times width, which would be two sides of the square. To find area of a circle, the person must use the equation ((pie)(r))(squared).

What is the relationship between the area of a square and the length of a side?

The area of a square is the square of its side length.

What is the formula for finding the area and perimeter of a square?

The area of a square is: A = Width × Height or A = Length * Length = Length^2 The Perimeter of a square is: P = Length + Length + Length + Length = 4 * Length

How do you determine the length and width of a square when given the area?

Square root the area. The length and width of a square are always the same and length times width is the area so this is how you get the area.