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population goes up.

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Q: What happens when a populations birth rate exceeds its death rate?
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Does a high birth to death ratios lead to smaller populations?

No, it is actually the opposite. A high birth rate and a low death rate leads to increased populations.

Two factors that keep populations stable?

Birth and death.

What graph shows a population in which the death rate consistently exceeds the birth rate?


What is demograper?

A demographer studies shifts in the characteristics of populations. They study birth rates, death rates, and the age of the population.

What is the science that studies trends and changes in human populations?

Demography is the science that studies trends and changes in human populations, such as birth rates, death rates, and migration patterns. It examines how populations grow, decline, and distribute geographically over time.

What happens to a Buddhist at death?

Same thing that happens to every one else at death. No one can say for sure.But Buddhism does not really focus on what happens after death, it focuses on what happens here and now.Answer:As death and re-birth are central to Buddhist practices there is a considerable amount of material on the process of dieing and the stages leading to re-birth. The Tibetan "Book of the Dead" is instructive in these matters

What happens if a birth rate does not equal death rate population?

There is a change in population.

What happens to the population size if the birth rate is lower than the death rate?


What happens when the birth rate is more than the death rate?

Population growth its that simple

A population has a growth rate when the death rate is higher than the birth rate?

Actually, a population has a negative growth rate when the death rate exceeds the birth rate. This means that more individuals are dying than being born, resulting in a decline in population size over time.

What was an important effect of the Black Death (bubonic plague pandemic) on the populations of Europe in the late 1340s?

Black Death had given birth to many revolts. It also helped to influence scientific researches.

What is the definition of demography?

Demography is the study of populations, including their size, structure, and distribution, as well as changes over time due to factors like birth rates, death rates, and migration. It helps to understand patterns and trends in human populations.