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A square pyramid (like the Egyptian ones), which has 4 triangles as sides.

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Q: What has 1 square for a base and 4 triangles on the outside?
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Are all faces of a square pyramid triangles?

4 faces are triangles and 1 face is a square the square face is the base of the pyramid

What is true about a pyramid with a square base?

It will have 5 faces; 4 triangles on the sides and 1 square as the base. The base itself will have 4 equal sides. There will also be 5 vertices; 4 on the base and 1 where the triangular faces intersect. Finally, there will be 8 sides; 4 connecting the triangles and for joining them to the square base.

Are all faces of a square pyramid square?

No, a square pyramid has only 1 square (the base) and the other 4 are triangles

How many plane shapes in square pyramid?

2 shapes; 1 square base and 4 triangles.

What is a geometric solid with 4 triangles and 1 square base?

Its name is called a square based pyramid.

What shapes are the faces of a square pyramid?

A square pyramid has a square base and four congruent triangular faces.

How many faces are in a square pyramid?

A square pyramid has one base, and it is a square. That's why it's called a square pyramid. And because the base is a square, it has four sides.

How many faces corners and edges for the pyramid with square base?

A square-based pyramid has:5 Faces (4 triangles and 1 square)5 Vertices (Corners)8 Edges

What 3 dimenional shape can you make using 4 triangles and 1 square?

you can make a square based pyramid using 4 triangles and a 1 square

What is the ratio of squares to triangles in a triangle?

There are 2 triangles in a square so the ratio to square and triangle is 2 to 1

3d shape with 4 triangles and a square?

A Triangular Pyramid has 4 triangles and 1 square.

What is the ratio of one triangle in a square?

in one square, there are two triangles, so the ratio of triangles to sqaures is 2:1