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1 kilogram = 1000 grams and 1 gram = 1000 milligrams. You now have all the information required to work out, for yourself, the answer to this and similar questions.

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Q: What has more mass a 540 milligram rock or a 5 kilogram rock?
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Related questions

Does a 2kg rock have twice the mass of a 1kg rock?

Yes. Kilogram is the unit of mass.

The mass of a large rock could be measured in what?

Kilogram or ton.

A small rock weighs 1g. What is its weight in kilograms?

Gram and kilogram are units of mass, not of weight. Anyway, a kilogram is 1000 grams.

Which is heavier a kilogram of rocks or a kilogram of puffed rice?

They are both the same weight. Though the mass of the rock would be a lot less than the much greater mass of the puffed rice.

Under what conditions will a 030-kg marble and a 3.00-kg rock have the same gravitational potential energy other than zero?


What has more mass 1 kilogram of rocks or 1 kilogram of marshmallows?

They both have the same mass, which is 1 kilogram. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and it is not dependent on the type of material.

What has more mass a rock with a volume of 1ml or a rock with a volume of 4ml?

The rock with a volume of 4ml has more mass, assuming all other factors are the same. Mass is directly proportional to volume, so a rock with a larger volume will have more mass.

What has more mass a rock in earth or a rock on the moon?

a rock in earth

Does a 2-kilogram rock have twice the inertia of a 1-kilogram rock?


Does a 2 kilogram rock have twice the weight of a 1 kilogram rock?

of course not

Why does one kilogram of foam take up more space than one kilogram of rock?

rock is much more dense than foam. It's like a full bottle of coke weiging more than an empty bottle of coke.

What is the basic unit for measuring the mass of a rock?

Use grams as the base unit and depending on the size of the rock, grams or deckagrams for a pebble, a small rock hectograms for a rock, and kilograms for a little bigger rock (but still small). The point is to use grams as your base unit.