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Then it would not be possible to express many numbers; or a more complicated system would have to be invented, to be able to work with larger numbers.

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Q: What if the order of the number does not matter lets say 321 or 123?
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How many combinations of 123?

There is only 1 combination of the numbers 123. (order does not matter)There are 6 permutations of the numbers 123. (order does matter)1 2 31 3 22 1 32 3 13 1 23 2 1

How many 3 number combinations are possible with 1234?

Just 4: 123, 124, 134 and 234. The order of the numbers does not matter with combinations. If it does, then they are permutations, not combinations.

Which is not Fibonacci number 89 or 123?

123 is not a Fibonacci number.

How many 3 digit combination can you get from 123?

3! = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6. The same for any three different digits - you have 6 possible combinations. * * * * * NO! That is the number of permutations! In a combination the order of the numbers does not matter, so there is only one combination 123. And that is the same as 132, or 312 or ...

123 is a number?

yes, 123 is a number it is the first 3 numbers

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How many three digit number combinations are there?

Let us assume you can repeat numbers. That is to say, we allow 101 and are not bothered by the repeat 1, or 111 for that matter. Let's do it first so that the order matters, that is to say 123 is not the same as 321. The possible numbers for the first digit are 0,1,2,...9 so there are 10 of them, Same for the second. Now for the digit "in front", for example in 123 the digit 1, we must decide if we can allow a 0. To make things easy let's say yes for now. Then there are 10 choices for each digits and 10^3 total choices=1000 Now, lets narrow things down just in case we have some restrictions. If exclude 0 from the digit in front, then there are only 9 choices for that place and we have 900 possibilities. Now you said combinations and that usually means that order does not matter. A permutation is where order matters. So if order does not matter 123 is the same as 321 or 213. This means we over counted and now must divided. Each group of 3 numbers such as 123 can be arranged in 6 different ways, which is 3! for example 123 132 213 232 312 321 We we divided by 3! Assuming the leading 0 was allowed we have 1000/3! combinations, if not we have 900/3! combinations.

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Why is 123 unlucky in Ireland?

123 is not an unlucky number in Ireland.

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12 3 squared equals?

123 squared means the same as 123 x 123. Squaring a number is the same as multiplying the number with itself.

What is the binary of decimal number for 123?

decimal [ 123 ] = binary [ | | | | 0 | | ]