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Mrs. Ward is afraid she is going to be killed in a car accident. So she has chosen not to ride in cars. How does she handle her risk?

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The likelihood of an event occurring?

The likelihood of an event occurring is known as the probability of occurrence. This can be calculated based on previous patterns and other factors.

What does probability?

Probability measures the likelihood of an event occurring.

The likelihood of multiple events occurring together?


Does positive reinforcement decrease the behavior that procedes it that?

Positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again by rewarding it with something desirable. It does not decrease the behavior that precedes it, but rather strengthens the behavior that follows.

Which term refers to likelihood of an event occurring?

ummm, probability?

Which term refers to the likelihood of an event occurring?

ummm, probability?

What are four words that describe probability?

Likelihood of event occurring.

What is A positive event that increases the frequency of the behavior that it follows?

Positive reinforcement is a type of event that increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring. It involves presenting a favorable stimulus (such as praise, rewards, or privileges) after a behavior is exhibited, making it more likely that the behavior will be repeated in the future.

What is the interpretation of probability?

It is a measure of the likelihood of a specified event occurring in an experiment.

What does probability mean statistically?

It is the likelihood of any particular event occurring.

A protective factor increases the likelihood of what?

good health

How can you represent the likelihood of an event occurring?

By its probability: a number in the interval [0, 1].