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Q: What instrument is used to draw parallel lines?
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What is the definition of ruler in math?

a tool used to draw straight lines or measure straight lines miss pawz: a measuring instrument :)

Which instrument can help to draw straight lines?

The most common tool used to draw straight lines is the age old ruler. If you don't have a ruler you can also substitute it with any straight edge found nearby.

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parallel lines are used in the white house. The columns holding it up are parallel lines and the floor and the roof of a room are parallel planes as long as they are the same shape

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you can coordinate parallel because parallel lines never touch or cross

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Lines parallel to the equator.

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Corresponding angle are used to prove if lines are parallel. If they are congruent then the lines cut by the transferal are parallel.

Lines used to locate palces on a map which are parallel to the equator?

They are lines of latitude.

What instrument is used to draw and measure straight line?

Ah, isn't it wonderful how a simple tool can help us create such beautiful art? A ruler is a fantastic instrument for drawing and measuring straight lines with precision and accuracy. Just gently glide it across your paper, and watch as your lines come to life with grace and ease. Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents.

What is the name of the instrument used to draw curves?

a compass i think

An instrument used to draw a straight line?

A ruler.

What tool can be used to construct parallel lines?
