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Depends on if it's just inches deep, or a couple miles. For a shallow hole, use a ruler, tape measure, or yardstick. See where the earth measures when the other end hits the bottom of the hole. For a deep hole, tie a large rock to the end of a rope, make a mark on the rope when the rock hits the bottom, then measure that area of the rope once you pull it up.

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Q: What instruments would you use to accurately measure a depth of a hole?
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How do you measure volume in the metric system?

Volume in the metric system is measured using the liter (L) as the base unit. Smaller volumes are measured in milliliters (mL) and larger volumes in kiloliters (kL). Instruments such as beakers, graduated cylinders, and burettes are used to measure liquid volumes accurately.

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A graduated cylinder would accurately measure 65ml of liquid. Graduated cylinders are designed with marks that allow for precise measurements of volume.

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No, a calorimeter is not designed to measure depth. It is a device used to measure the amount of heat released or absorbed in a chemical reaction or physical process. To measure the depth of something, you would typically need a different type of instrument, such as a ruler, tape measure, or a depth gauge.

What would you use to measure milliliters?

You would use a graduated cylinder or a measuring cup with milliliter markings to measure milliliters accurately.

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To accurately measure 12.6 mL of liquid ethanol, it would be best to use a graduated cylinder or a syringe with a volume capacity of at least 15 mL. These instruments are designed to measure liquid volumes with higher precision compared to other common household measuring tools like cups or spoons.

Can you use the tail of the vernier caliper to measure the depth of the test tube?

No, the tail of a vernier caliper is used to measure inside dimensions like holes or pipes, not depth. To measure the depth of the test tube, you would need to use the main scale and the vernier scale on the caliper's jaws.

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A graduated cylinder or a volumetric flask would most likely have been used to find the volume of each sample. These lab instruments are designed to accurately measure liquid volumes.

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An oscilloscope is commonly used to measure frequency by displaying the waveform of the signal and showing the number of cycles per second. Other instruments like frequency counters or spectrum analyzers can also be used to measure frequency accurately.

What would you use to measure 1cm3 of alcohol?

You would use a graduated cylinder or a volumetric flask to measure 1cm3 of alcohol accurately. These tools are designed to measure precise volumes of liquid.

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A graduated cylinder