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Q: What is -3.333333333 as a fraction?
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What is 0.33333333 as a fraction?

0.33333333 = 33,333,333/100,000,000 If you had said that the '3's repeat forever and the decimal never ends, then it would be equivalent to 1/3 .

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clayton gummo<3333333333

What was Conneticut named after?

after tidal river<3333333333 :~)

What 3333333333 as a percent?

3,333,333,333 as a percent is 333,333,333,300%

What do you like most in the park?

I like the swing. <3333333333

What is 3 over 9 in a percentage?

33.3(3333333333. . .)%

Why is 3333333333 a significant number?

All nonzero numbers are significant.

What is the terminating decimal of three tenths?

I would say .3333333333...

What type of scientist was Robert Bunsen?

a lollie pop inventor <3333333333



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1/3 or .3333333333

What number is 1 over 3 turn into?

divide 1 by 3. the answer is o.3333333333