The spelling and the meaning
Since cm3 = mL, cm-3*mL = 1 (a dimensionless constant). Consequently, the two quantities are equal.
The way to get one tenth of any number in the decimal system is to slide the decimal one place to the left. So a tenth of 3 ml would be 0.3 ml.
That depends on the specific substance. There is no general conversion between mg and ml, since one measures mass, the other, volume.
0.3 ml in a 1.875 ml syringe is equal to 16% of the syringe's capacity.
Where is 0.9ml on the 3ml syringe?
3ml syringe
3.125 ml is the same as 3.125 cc. Therefore, you would need to fill a 3cc syringe with 3.125 ml of liquid. Just be cautious as most syringes are marked in increments of 0.1 cc, not 0.125 cc, so you may need to estimate.
Normally when working with injection medications, always go with the smallest syringe. If asked to withdraw 0.3 mL then use a 1mL syringe. If that isn't doable, then use the 3mL syringe. If asked to draw 4mL, use the 5 and so on. As far as a vein graft however, I believe a 3mL syringe will create higher peak pressure and velocity than that of a 10 or 20 mL syringe.
25% of 3 ml is 0.75 ml.
2.5 mL
It will be impossible to give .09 ml accurately in a 100 cc syringe! You need a 1cc syringe, not 100. But if you're in the medical field, you should know this... Source: Former veterinary nurse 10 years
3mL = 3000µL
It is much easier to just use a insulin syringe and withdraw to .21/2 or .2 and 5 small lines
300 microlitres.