

What is 10 n on a p?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is 10 n on a p?
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#include<stdio.h> void main() { int *p,n,s=0; printf("Enter Number :"); scanf("%d",&n); for(p=&n;*p>0;p++) { s=s*10+*p%10; *p=*p/10; } printf("Reverse Number=%d",s); }

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Positive. p*p=p p*n=n n*n=p

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normal variable stores a value of the given datatype where as the pointer variable stores the address of a variable. for example int n=10; int *p; p=&n; here p is a pointer variable and n is a normal variable.p stores the address of n where as n stores an integer value. *p prints the value of n,p prints the address of n.

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A negative times a negative is a positive. A simple way to remember this is... n * p = n p* n = n p * p = p n * n = p There will always be two negatives, and two positives.