OK, SO $12.60 rounded up to the nearest dollar is $13. This is because if the decimal place on this is above or is .50, then you round up to the nearest dollar. If the decimal following the number is lower than .50 you just cross out the decimal, so 12.49 rounded is 12, but 12.50 is 13. By rounding, I mean getting rid of the decimal and adding 1 to the number, so 12.60, get rid of the decimal, so 12, and then add the one that that decimal means: so $13. Hope this helps!
48.91 to the nearest dollar is 49.00
0.56 rounded to nearest dollar is $1.00
100.9 rounded to the nearest dollar is 101.
$3.49 rounded to the nearest dollar is $3.00
86.29 cents, rounded to the nearest dollar is 1 dollar.
The last number ends in a five therefore it rounds up. so the answer would be 1260.
Depends what you're rounding it to. If it's the nearest tenth, you round up to 1260 if it's the nearest hundreth, you round up to 1300 If its the nearest thousanth, you round down to 1000
To the nearest ten cents it will round up to give 67.20 as your answer. It would round down to 67 for the nearest dollar.
Yes, it can be done.
48.91 to the nearest dollar is 49.00
$7.01 to the nearest dollar is $7.00
$18.25 rounded to the nearest dollar is $18.
$4.12 rounded to the nearest dollar is $4.00
Well, honey, if you want to round 6.32 to the nearest dollar, you simply look at the cents. Since 32 cents is less than 50 cents, you round down. So, 6.32 rounded to the nearest dollar is 6 dollars. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
0.56 rounded to nearest dollar is $1.00