

What is 1 M?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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Depending on wich context:

Ex : Mg (mega gram) Ml (mega meter) Refer to 1000000 times gram or meter or Ex :12M mean 12 "moles per litre" which is a scientific concentration mesurement.

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Q: What is 1 M?
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The equation for n layers is S(n) = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6It is simplest to prove it by induction.When n = 1,S(1) = 1*(1+1)(2*1+1)/6 = 1*2*3/6 = 1.Thus the formula is true for n = 1.Suppose it is true for n = m. That is, for a pyramid of m levels,S(m) = m*(m+1)*(2m+1)/6Then the (m+1)th level has (m+1)*(m+1) oranges and soS(m+1) = S(m) + (m+1)*(m+1)= m*(m+1)*(2m+1)/6 + (m+1)*(m+1)= (m+1)/6*[m*(2m+1) + 6(m+1)]= (m+1)/6*[2m^2 + m + 6m + 6]= (m+1)/6*[2m^2 + 7m + 6]= (m+1)/6*(m+2)*(2m+3)= (m+1)*(m+2)*(2m+3)/6= [(m+1)]*[(m+1)+1)]*[2*(m+1)+1]/6Thus, if the formula is true for n = m, then it is true for n = m+1.Therefore, since it is true for n =1 it is true for all positive integers.

What is m over m to the -4 power?

It depends on the interpretation of the question: Trivially, (m/m)-4 = 1-4 = 1. More interestingly, m-a = 1/ma or ma = 1/m-a So, m/m-4 = m*(1/m-4) = m*(m4) = m5

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How do you convert 1m to third power to cm to the third power?

1 m = 100 cm.So 1 m3 = 1 m *1 m * 1 m = 100 cm * 100 cm * 100 cm = 1,000,000 cm31 m = 100 cm.So 1 m3 = 1 m *1 m * 1 m = 100 cm * 100 cm * 100 cm = 1,000,000 cm31 m = 100 cm.So 1 m3 = 1 m *1 m * 1 m = 100 cm * 100 cm * 100 cm = 1,000,000 cm31 m = 100 cm.So 1 m3 = 1 m *1 m * 1 m = 100 cm * 100 cm * 100 cm = 1,000,000 cm3

What is 1 m squared in cm squared?

1 m = 100 cm 1 m² = 1 m × 1 m = 100 cm × 100 cm = 10,000 cm²

How many m in 146cm?

1.46 m 100cm = 1 m

What is m-2 over m plus 2 times m over m-1?

(m-2)/(m+2) * m/(m-1) = [(m-2)*m]/[(m+2)*(m-1)] = (m2 - 2m)/m2 + m - 2)

What is 1 plus m?

1 + m is the simplest expression you can make for this problem.

What is larger 1 m or 1 cm?

1 m

1 k to m?

I presume you mean 1 km to m: (1 km)(1000 m/km)=1000 m Therefore, 1 km equals 1000 m.

How many 1 m is to cm?

1 m = 100 cm 1 cm = 0.01 m

0.5 cm is equal to how many meters?

1 m = 100cm 1/100 m = 1 cm 1/100 / 2 m = 0.5cm 1/100 x 1/2 m = 0.5cm 1/200 m = 0.5cm 5x10-3 m = 0.5cm