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Q: What is 1 and 3 16th' s as a decimal?
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What is the decimal for 33 and 1third percent?

The decimal for 33 1/3 % is 0.3333333333333333... (the 3's are recurring - it is an infinite decimal).

What the decimal for 1over 3?

1/3 in decimal form equals 0.33333333.... (the 3's go on infinitely).

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1/12 as a decimal is 0.08'3' repeating '3'

Can a fraction be written as a non-terminating decimal?

No, not all fractions can be written as a non-terminating decimal. For instance, 1/3 has infinitely many 3's in the decimal places.

What is one third in decimal?

You divide 1 by 3. You get 0.3333333333333 (3's going on forever)

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2/6 = 1/3 = 0.3333....recurring

What is equivalent to 1 over 3?

Assuming by "1 over 3", you mean a fraction with 1 in the numerator and 3 in the denominator (1/3), it equals 0.3333333333333333... (0 with an infinite amount of 3's after the decimal).

What is 33 and one third converted to a decimal?

33.3 recuring; 33.333333333333333333333333 etc the 3's after the decimal point go on FOREVER.

What is 23 and 3 8th s as a decimal?

It is: 23 and 3/8 = 23.375 as a decimal

What s the distance between point A -3 2 and point B 5 -1?

It is the square root of (-3-5)2+(2--1)2 = 8.544 to 3 decimal places

How do you make 0.845 into a fraction?

These are the steps to convert a decimal into a fraction: (1) Place a 1 under the decimal to convert it to fraction form: .845/1 (2) Remove the decimal and place as many 0's to the right of the 1 as there are numbers to the right of the decimal: 845/1000 (3) Reduce the fraction to its lowest term: 169/200

How do you write 3 and 78's as a decimal?

3 and 78 = 81.