There is no equivalence.
A Newton per square metre, or Pascal, is a measure of pressure while a tonne is a measure of mass. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid without some addition information.
How we convert 3.96gm/meter square to kg/metric ton
None. "square meter" is a unit of volume and "ton" is a unit of mass.
Square metres are an area, a ton is a mass the units are incompatible.
That does not make any sense because a ton is a measurement of weight and a square meter measures a flat area.
You cannot since the units of measurement are incompatible. Apart from the fact that ton hour per hour is simply ton.
How we convert 3.96gm/meter square to kg/metric ton
you need the thickness too
None. "square meter" is a unit of volume and "ton" is a unit of mass.
Square metres are an area, a ton is a mass the units are incompatible.
You can't they measure different things.
About One
That does not make any sense because a ton is a measurement of weight and a square meter measures a flat area.
You cannot since the units of measurement are incompatible. Apart from the fact that ton hour per hour is simply ton.
1.5 ton
Sorry, you can only convert 1 metric ton of water to cubic meters (not square meters). Square meters are an area and cubic meters are a volume.
2500kg Area is L1.5m x W2m x H1.9m How do I convert to Ton per m cubed or per meter squared?
No internet explore is.