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It is the Cartesian plane that has an horizontal x axis and a vertical y axis on which co-ordinates of x and y are plotted on it.

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Q: What is 2-D surface on which we can plot points with two scales x and y axis?
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What is a grid that has an x and y-axis to plot points?

It is the Cartesian plane

When would you need to plot points on a coordinate grid?

You need an x axis, y axis, and 4 quadrants.

How do you make a line plot using fractions?

A line plot can be made using fractions. Just use fractions rather than whole numbers or other data to mark the scales of the horizontal axis and vertical axis

Are points imaginary or real?

there on a whole different plane. your x axis is labeled real not x and your y axis is labeled imaginary not y. then just plot the points like you normally would.

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When plotting ordered pairs,always begin at the point of origin (center) and plot along the x axis line first then on the y axis line second/next.☺♥

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To draw a cumulative frequency frequency polygon, plot cumulative frequency on the y-axis and the upper boundary of each class interval on the x-axis. Then connect the points with straight line segments, starting from the x-axis at 0 cumulative frequency. For a frequency curve, plot the midpoint of each class interval on the x-axis and the frequency on the y-axis. Then connect the points smoothly with a curve to show the distribution of data.

To graph a rate or ratio from the tablehow do you determine the scales to use on each axis?

Decide on whether or not you want to or need to plot all the data points. Select one of the variables and round its maximum up and round its minimum down. If the minimum is near zero then round it to zero. Divide the range = rounded max minus rounded min by 10. That is a suitable unit to use on the axis for that variable. Do the same with the other axis. You are then ready to go.

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X = 4 is a vertical line, 4 units to the right of the y-axis.

What is used to locate a point on the coodinate plane?

The horizontal x axis and the vertical y axis which intersect at right angles at the point of origin (0, 0) are use to plot points on the coordinated plane.

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When you graph the motion of an object you put on the horizontal axis and on the vertical axis?

On the horizontal axis you would probably plot the time. On the vertical axis you could plot displacement, velocity or acceleration.

How do you plot a trigonometry graph?

You plot the magnitude of the angle along the horizontal axis and the value of the trigonometric ratio on the vertical axis.