If this number is exactly 23 then it is a whole number. It can be written as 23.0 or 23.00 or any number of zeros following the decimal. Numbers are sometimes written like this to expess its preciseness, especially in scientific expiriments. i.e (41.000 to differentiate it from 41.001). You sound like kid who just want a simple answer for his homework though, so i say go with 23.0.
23% is 0.23 as a decimal.
Expressed as a decimal, 23/1000 = 0.023
23 percent as a fraction is 23/100 and a decimal 0.23.
To convert 23% to decimal divide by 100: 23% ÷ 100 = 0.23
23 over 200 as a decimal is 0.115
Oh, isn't that just a lovely number? Let's take a moment to appreciate the simplicity and beauty of the number 23. It's like a little tree standing tall and proud in the meadow of mathematics. Just a wonderful number to work with, don't you think?
23% is 0.23 as a decimal.
23 can't be turned into a decimal it is a whole number you could turn it into a decimal if it was 23 1/2 that would be 23.5 but 23 as a decimal is 23
23% = 0.23 as a decimal
23/10 as a decimal is 2.3
23/1000 = 0.023 as a decimal
23/46 as a decimal is 0.5
As a decimal it is 23. As a percent (not persent), it is 2300%.
Expressed as a decimal, 23/1000 = 0.023
23 percent as a fraction is 23/100 and a decimal 0.23.
To convert 23% to decimal divide by 100: 23% ÷ 100 = 0.23
0.23 is 23 percent expressed as a decimal.