how can I show how numbers are related to each other
Numbers with their Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) as 1 are called to be as relatively prime to each other.
Whole numbers and integers are the same thing. They are a proper subset of rational numbers.
In Real numbers, each is the additive inverse of the other.
Concentric circles. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers and both of them are subsets of the set of rational numbers.
how can I show how numbers are related to each other
Numbers with their Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) as 1 are called to be as relatively prime to each other.
Is a group of people relate each other
Integers are the same as whole numbers. Integers are a proper subset of rational numbers.
Whole numbers and integers are the same thing. They are a proper subset of rational numbers.
In Real numbers, each is the additive inverse of the other.
Amicable numbers are two different numbers so related that the sum of the proper divisors of each is equal to the other number. For example, the smallest pair of amicable numbers is (220, 284)
They are the additive inverses of each other.
One part is that the RE part and the IM part are at right angles to each other. Refer to the related link for a picture of an array of complex numbers. Notice the curves are at right angles to each other.
Amicable pairs are two numbers that are related in such a way that total of the divisors of each is the same as the other number. This is the case of numbers 220 and 284.
Concentric circles. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers and both of them are subsets of the set of rational numbers.