

What is 2 times a variable?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What is 2 times a variable?
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What is a variable times the same variable?

A variable times the same variable is called a square of that variable. For example, if the variable is x, then x multiplied by x is written as x^2, which is read as "x squared."

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An equation in the variable n.

If the variable x is multiplied by 6 the product is equal to 4 times the variable y?

x=2 and y=3

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It is either 3*2 + a or 3*(2 + a)

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The variable in 14x is x.

In math what does 5x2h mean?

It means that you multiply 2 by any given number (h) and then multiply by 5. h is the variable. A variable is anunknown number. So if h is 3, then you replace it with h so 2 times 3 is 6 times 5 is 30.

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It is not a variable. The equation says that the energy contained in any given mass is equivalent to the mass times the velocity of light squared.

What does c x b mean?

The variable c times the variable b simply equals cb. Just as the variable x times the variable y would equal xy, and so on.

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"Wat" is the variable.

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is?

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is an Integer.

What does a number and two letters mean in algebra?

Generally speaking, a letter in algebra refers to a variable, that is, it is a placeholder for any specific value that can be used in that equation.In algebra syntax, a number next to a variable, or a variable next to another variable, with no explicit arithmetic symbol between them, mean to multiply the two values.So:2aMeans to multiply the variable value of "a" by two.In your question:2aball values should be multiplied. So, the result would be 2 times the variable value of "a" times the variable value of "b".