It is: 52/365 times 100/1 = 14.25% rounded
% rate:= 52/365 * 100%= 0.1425 * 100%= 14.25%
About 208 as 52 weeks on average, and times 4 = 208 In 4 years there are 365 + 365 + 365 + 366 days = 1461 days, then divide by 7 = 208.714
365 times 52 minus 52 plus 1 = 18,929
It is: 52/365 times 100/1 = 14.25% rounded
52% of 365 = 52% * 365 = 0.52 * 365 = 189.8
% rate:= 52/365 * 100%= 0.1425 * 100%= 14.25%
About 208 as 52 weeks on average, and times 4 = 208 In 4 years there are 365 + 365 + 365 + 366 days = 1461 days, then divide by 7 = 208.714
365 times 365 equals 133,225.
You don't have to do anything. Everybody gets 52 weeks in 365 days. Plus an extra day!52 x 7 = 364
There are 365 days in a year, 7 days in one week. So 365 divide by 7 is 52
There are 52 1/7 weeks in 365 days.