2/6 = 1/3 = 0.33333333333333333...
5 sixths of a dollar is equal to $0.83. To calculate this, you divide 5 by 6 to get 0.83, which is the decimal representation of 5 sixths. In terms of cents, this would be 83 cents.
0.3333two-sixths2/6:= 2 ÷ 6= 0.3333 in decimal
nine tenths
1 and five sixths = 1.8333 . . .
4/6 = 2/3 = 2 ÷ 3 = 0.666667
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 3.3 recurring (that is, 3.3333...)
3 sixths - 2 sixths = 1
2/6 = 1/3 = 0.33333333333333333...
4/6 simplifies down to 2/3. This as a decimal is .6666 repeating which can be written as .667.
When you ever want to convert a fraction to a decimal, just divide the numerator by the denominator. Three sixths = 3/6. 3 divided by 6 = 0.5 Hope that helped.
5 sixths of a dollar is equal to $0.83. To calculate this, you divide 5 by 6 to get 0.83, which is the decimal representation of 5 sixths. In terms of cents, this would be 83 cents.
No. Two thirds is the same as 4 sixths. 3 sixths is the same as 1 half. 2 thirds is 331/3% more than 3 sixths.
0.3333two-sixths2/6:= 2 ÷ 6= 0.3333 in decimal
4/6=2/3. 3 fits into one hundred 33.3333333... times. 33.3333333 X 2 equals 66.666666. 4/6 in decimal form = 66.66666
1/2 is equivalent to 3 sixths.
To find out how many sixths are in 3 one-thirds, we need to first convert 3 one-thirds into sixths. Each third is equal to 2 sixths (since 1/3 = 2/6). So, 3 one-thirds is equal to 3 * 2 = 6 sixths. Therefore, there are 6 sixths in 3 one-thirds.