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3 and 3 eights = 3 and 3*8 = 3 and 24 = 27.

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Q: What is 3 and three eights s as a decimal?
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What number can you multiply to get three eights equal to five eights?

3/8 will never equal 5/8. But if you mean what number can you multiply 3/8 by to get 5/8, that number is about 1.666666666... (1 with infinite 6's after the decimal), or simply, 1 and 2/3.

What is the decimal for three and a third cents?

Three and a third cents would be 0.0333... (repeating 3's) as a decimal.

What is greater three eights or one half?

yes it s

What is four and three tenths as s mixed number and as a decimal?

4 and 3/10 = 4.3

What is the decimal of thirty three and a third percent?

.3333 except the 3's repeat and go on forever

What is 23 and 3 8th s as a decimal?

It is: 23 and 3/8 = 23.375 as a decimal

What is the decimal for 33 and 1third percent?

The decimal for 33 1/3 % is 0.3333333333333333... (the 3's are recurring - it is an infinite decimal).

What the decimal for 1over 3?

1/3 in decimal form equals 0.33333333.... (the 3's go on infinitely).

What s one twelfth as a decimal?

1/12 as a decimal is 0.08'3' repeating '3'

What is 5 and one twelfths as a decimal?

5.833333333... (the 3's repeat forever, it is recuring.) You would write it as "Five point eight three recuring".

How do you write 3 and 78's as a decimal?

3 and 78 = 81.

What is the probability of drawing three consecutive eights from the top of a deck of cards?

I assume we do not replace the 8's after we pick one of them. This is sampling without replacement. Since there are four 8s, the odd of picking one of them out of 52 cards is 4/52 the first time, then we have three 8s left and only 51 cards so, 3/51 and then 2/50 the third time. The odd of drawing three consecutive eights is the product of those three probabilities. This is 4/52x3/51x2/50